70 East St. Louis River Road, Esko MN, 55720
The Lakehead Harvest Show got its start back in 1961, on the Watry farm, where the show is still held today. A charter was drawn up in Nick Watry's living room and the Lakehead Harvest Show was born as an educational non-profit.
The show started small, featuring a 4-wheel drive Massey Harris tractor, and a Case threshing machine. Over the years the show has grown to feature multiple steam traction engines (one of which is the only of its kind left in operation) saw-milling demonstrations, grain threshing, field plowing, blacksmiths, hundreds of tractors and stationary engines, a petting zoo, rock crushing, a tractor pull for antique tractors and so much more. We have also added a Winter Hay Ride event in December with rides on old time hay racks pulled by antique tractors, holiday light displays, activities for kids and much more.
Our show has definitely grown, and we hope it will continue to grow, so that the next generation can see what life was like 100 plus years ago. We thank the Watry family for their idea and willingness to make this show happen, along with all the members of this organization over the years for their contributions in helping to keep the past alive. We look forward to seeing everyone at our upcoming events!